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Booth Hours:  07:45 - 08:15 |  11:30 -1:00  |  4:00 - 5:00 

Booth Information

(Disclaimer: This is not a government endorsement. We are a private organization. We are not representative or a part of the Department of Defense or any of it's components and we do not have any governmental status.)

Our event sponsors and inspirational speakers may have a booth on site to meet & greet, pick up free swag or purchase merchandise. For more information on each of our contributors, please click on their names to be linked to their websites, social media or LinkedIn profiles.

Speaker Booth: CMSSF #1, Roger Towberman & Erik Harris from the 49ers
Event Host Booth: Air Force Sergeants Association, Chapter 554
Team Eglin Helping Agencies:
Family Advocacy
Civilian Employee Assistant Program
Military & Family Life Counseling (MFLAC)
Intrepid Spirit Center

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